class LuckySearch::SimpleQuery(T, K)

Defined in:


Constant Summary

COUNT = "count"
HITS = "hits"
ID = "_id"
SCORE = ["_score"]
SOURCE = "_source"
TOTAL = "total"
TYPE = "_document_type"
VALUE = "value"


Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : String? = nil, document_name : String? = nil) #

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Instance Method Detail

def client #

Yields the elasticsearch client

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def count(builder = #

Performs a count query against an index

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def elastic_document_name : String #

Document type defaults to class name without namespace

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def elastic_index : String #

Index defaults to avram table name

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def generate_body(builder) #

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def query(q : String, params = {} of Symbol => String, filters = nil) #

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def query(params = {} of Symbol => String, filters = nil) #

Safely build the query

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def search(builder) #

Query elasticsearch with a query builder object

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def search(builder, &block : Proc(T, T?)) #

Query elasticsearch with a query builder object, accepts a formatter block Allows annotation/conversion of records using data from the model. Nils are removed from the list.

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